5 Tips to Stop that Weight Loss Rollercoaster
Reaching your goal weight can be equated to the pause in the middle of a roller coaster. You’ve reached your weight loss goal and you’ve been on this roller coaster before. Can you keep it off and stop the roller coaster? Here are some tips to get you on solid ground. Develop a maintenance plan […]
Continue Reading →Sitting on an Empty Wallet: The Cost of Physical Inactivity
A lot of people that are physically inactive throughout the day aren’t so by choice. More and more jobs are in an office setting. These environments are sedentary by nature, and don’t tend to encourage physical activity. While some try to remedy their lack of movement during the day by doing some basic things at […]
Continue Reading →Three Ways to Spice Up Weeknight Meals
Preparing a healthy dinner every night is a chore for many, especially after a long day at work. But the truth is that putting together a nutritious meal can be easy and quick with a little creativity. Salads topped with grilled chicken are great, but when you feel the need to change things up, give […]
Continue Reading →Politics over Dietary Guidelines?
In this day and age it seems no matter how noble the cause, it is soon taken overtaken by politics. And even if politics aren’t necessarily involved, someone usually finds a way to introduce politics into the situation, including our dietary guidelines. A piece was put out from public health and sustainability experts from George […]
Continue Reading →Four States See Decrease in Obesity – What’s Their Secret?
Minnesota doesn’t seem like it would have much in common with New York, but they do share some common ground in the battle against obesity. According to a report published by the nonprofit organization, Trust for America’s Health, Minnesota and New York, along with Montana and Ohio, stand alone as the only four states that […]
Continue Reading →7 Healthy Dinner Recipes in Under 30 Minutes
In many households, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. can feel like the busiest, most hectic part of the day. You arrive home after what can be a stressful commute from work; the kids have homework and need to get ready for bed; the house is a mess; you’re tired from pulling an eight-hour shift (or […]
Continue Reading →Turn New Year’s Resolutions to Rest of Year Goals
“New Year’s Resolution, bro!” That was the reply I received when I asked a friend if he is ready to come to the gym with me. That’s the train of thought for a lot of us dieters around this time of year. The New Year is right around the corner, and that is when we’ll […]
Continue Reading →10 Foods for an Instantly Healthier Grocery List
As the old saying goes, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Oh, but if only healthy eating could be as simple as that! According to the International Food Information Council (IFIC) Foundation’s 2012 Food & Health Survey, most Americans (52 percent) have concluded that figuring out their income taxes is easier than knowing […]
Continue Reading →Here’s How to tell if you’re an Emotional Eater
There’s no denying that food makes us feel good. There’s something about that tub of Häagen-Dazs after your first major breakup or devouring that entire bag of chips while you’re up late cramming for an exam that is immensely satisfying. When we eat large amounts of food — especially “comfort” or junk foods — in […]
Continue Reading →The Secret to Losing Weight without Exercising
Exercise: Are you exhausted and intimidated by just looking at that word? Especially for those unaccustomed to getting regular exercise, the thought if it conjures up images of sweat, discomfort, pain, boredom, embarrassment, and many other unpleasant thoughts. Experts constantly point to the importance of diet coupled with exercise to achieve weight loss goals. However, […]
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