Media’s Role in Obesity
In many ways the media drives the thought process of the general public. What is reported and, more importantly, how it’s reported plays a key role in how we can look at a certain subject such as politics or social issues. In many cases, it can lead to division amongst the masses. It’s no different […]
Continue Reading →Want Some Coffee With That Sugar?
Many of us start our day with a fresh cup of coffee. Some make theirs at home, others go to places like Starbucks and order their favorite morning soda — oops, sorry: “beverage.” That slip up may have been innocent enough, but there is a startling similarity that a can of soda has with your […]
Continue Reading →The Best Time to Exercise for Weight Loss
With the hectic, fast-paced lifestyle that many Americans live, oftentimes our conversations around exercise get stuck on where we can sneak in 10 minutes of physical activity between work and errands. While regular physical activity throughout the day is of course important to our overall health and well-being, when it comes to exercising for weight […]
Continue Reading →Only 3% of the Country Has Healthy Lifestyle Habits – Do You?
How many of these four things do you do? • Maintain a good diet • Engage in moderate exercise* • Stay within your recommended body fat percentage • Be a non-smoker If you can’t say you do all four then you are among the majority. In fact, about 97 percent of the U.S. population can’t […]
Continue Reading →The Magic of Peppers and Weight Loss
Aside from growing health concerns related to obesity, many Americans worry about the winter season weight gain which they struggle to lose before the summer season. Some resort to drastic measures like obesity surgeries without having the ability to maintain weight loss with a healthy lifestyle. And many others have tried the so-called “magical ingredients” […]
Continue Reading →5 Tips to Control Your Worst Food Cravings
It never fails. You’re two weeks into your new healthy eating diet, determined to lose some pounds and get ready for beach season. You did your meal planning. You stocked up three to five days’ worth of chicken breast, salad, and quinoa for lunch. Then hump day rolls around in your busy work week, and […]
Continue Reading →Obesity Showing No Signs of Decreasing
A sobering report from federal health officials was released last week in regards to the country’s obesity problem. Obese adults in the country were at 38 percent in years 2013-2014. It is a rise, albeit slight, from the 35 percent of obese adults in the years 2011-2012. What makes this report particularly disappointing is all […]
Continue Reading →How ONE STEP Can Help You Overcome Your Weight Issues Starting Today
THE GYM. Did the word make you shudder? In all reality, the gym can be a scary and intimidating place. Gym membership advertisements sell us these glamorous images of thin, fit people working out with smiles on their faces, and not a single bead of sweat on their brows. Clearly working out is easy and […]
Continue Reading →Can a ‘Fat Tax’ Lead to Better Food Choices?
When we have to make a choice between two or more foods certain things may determine our decision: Which one do we think tastes better? Which one fits our diet? More times than not, the choice comes down to which items cost less — whether subconsciously or intentionally. Low income consumers in particular are looking […]
Continue Reading →Kick the Can – 5 Healthier Soda Alternatives
To most it’s not a shocker that soda is not the most nutritious beverage you could consume. And to be honest, nutrition is probably not what you think of when you reach for a soda; but rather, you’re probably yearning for that sugary sweet fizz that pairs divinely with a juicy cheeseburger or greasy pizza. […]
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