To most it’s not a shocker that soda is not the most nutritious beverage you could consume. And to be honest, nutrition is probably not what you think of when you reach for a soda; but rather, you’re probably yearning for that sugary sweet fizz that pairs divinely with a juicy cheeseburger or greasy pizza.
In fact, as reported by the Huffington Post, a Yale University Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity study found that a majority of Americans understand that soda is bad for them, and even still, nearly half of surveyed Americans (48 percent) drink soda on a daily basis, with 28 percent drinking one a day, on average, and with 20 percent drinking two or more glasses.
When it comes to young people, the Center for Disease Control reported that soda is the largest source of sugar in the diet of children and adolescents. You may already have a sense of soda’s complete lack of nutritional value, but consider these four disturbing, but little-known facts about (both diet AND non-diet) soda:
Fun Soda Fact #1: Aspartame breaks down in our bodies and converts to methanol. Our natural body temperature converts the methanol into formaldehyde, which preserves the dead.
Fun Soda Fact #2: Phosphoric acid is used in home cleaning products and drains calcium from bones and teeth. According to a case study published in the journal General Dentistry, a comparison was done on the mouths of a cocaine-user, a methamphetamine-user, and a habitual diet-soda drinker, and found the same level of tooth erosion in each of them.
Fun Soda Fact #3: A study showed that two or more cans a day increases your waistline by 70 percent more than non-drinkers in just 10 years. Participants who slurped down two or more sodas a day experienced a 500 percent greater increase.
Fun Soda Fact #4: Soda is associated with an increased risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, osteoporosis, metabolic syndrome, heart disease, infertility, kidney damage, diabetes, high blood pressure.