Medical Weight Loss Clinic of Tri-State Blog


December 31st, 2013 by


40% of resolutions include a weight related goal

50% of resolutions are deserted by the end of January

Sounds like a good time to evaluate your weight related resolutions so you can succeed.

Ask yourself?

  1. Do you have a plan? There’s nothing better than when a plan comes together. Having a plan to achieve your weight loss goal will add structure to what you’re trying to do.
  2. Is it realistic? Many times when we set unrealistic goals, don’t reach them, and end up stopping our efforts altogether. Make sure your goal is reasonable, then, once you’ve accomplished your goal you can work on setting a new one!
  3. Have you removed temptations? Temptations always seem be around us leading us to indulgence. Do your best to remove your temptations – rid your house of chips, cookies, pies, and cakes and replace them with fruits and vegetables, lean protein items and healthy snacks.
  4. Do you have a support system? Since 40% of New Year Resolutions involve weight loss, chances are you have a friend or someone you know that is in the same boat as you.  Keep your friends involved in your process, or, better yet, have them join you! Hold each other accountable and encourage each other to keep pushing towards the ultimate goal.

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