Medical Weight Loss Clinic of Tri-State Blog

Get Back on Track

February 1st, 2016 by

Here’s a scenario: You’re a month into the New Year and there’s a problem with your New Year’s resolution: You aren’t where you want to be with your weight loss. You set a goal, but at this point you’ve either stopped making progress or haven’t started at all. Anxiety might be setting in.

Don’t fret! Here are some things that you can do to regain control:

You’re still eating the same calories: Sometimes we can be under the misconception that, just because we exercised, we can consume our regular amount of calories (or even more) and still reach our desired effect. The problem is that diet is just as important to weight loss as exercising; if you are consuming a high amount of calories, the calorie deficit benefits from exercise won’t be enough to see any significant changes in weight. Cut the calories.

Not enough volume: When adding muscle, the most important thing is to continuously add more reputations, weight, or both. The point is, as you build muscle, you must build resistance to continue to benefit. If you aren’t increasing your volume you’re leaving yourself susceptible to plateauing. Gradually add more weights and reps to your routine, but make sure you don’t overdo it. Slow and steady wins the race.

Where’s the cardio? Compared to other exercises, cardio is essential to weight loss because it allows you to burn more calories at an accelerated rate. Although JUST cardio won’t do the job, it should definitely be integrated into your regimen if you have your eyes set on losing weight. Take a walk, swim, or bike ride. Just get moving.

Get some help: If you don’t feel you are heading in the right direction, it may be a good time to call in the reserves. Whether it’s your personal physician, certified physical trainer, dietitian, or friend, there’s someone that can help you with the knowledge and support to get you back on track. You just have to look for it. Never be afraid to reach out.

Remember, falling off track or feeling like your goals are stalled is never a reason to give up completely. The sun rises each day to meet the challenges of a new morning. You can too.