Medical Weight Loss Clinic of Tri-State Blog

Staying Active in the Workplace

August 15th, 2013 by

For many of us, our jobs find us sitting in an office, behind a desk, in a chair; movement isn’t a requisite to do our daily work effectively. The hope is that, when we aren’t at work, we spend our time being active. But, new studies are starting to suggest that sitting for long periods of time can possibly be harmful, regardless of your caloric intake or other physical activity.

Muscles not in motion for extended periods is never a good thing, so make a point to be as active as you can throughout your work day. How?

  • Talk in person to a coworker.
  • Capitalize on your breaks by taking a walk around the building.
  • Eat at your desk and then spend your lunchtime walking at a local park or mall.
  • When you are sitting at your desk, tap your feet hourly. It may seem simple, but even an activity such as that will keep you active and burn calories!
  • Walk to the water cooler often – you’ll get exercise and hydrate at the same time.
  • When you go to the restroom walk to the furthest one away.
  • After an hour of hard work at your desk, get up and take a walk around the office.

Remember, every little bit helps, so get up and get moving! You will enjoy yourself more and your body will thank you for it later.

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